Monday 17 August 2015

World is not enough for some!

There are certain people living on this planet who think the world is not enough for them in terms of freedom and bondage. The concept of freedom and slavery varies from person to person, society to society and region to region. Places like Japan and China abhor the idea of an entirely free man; they think that one must have a master otherwise he is not worthy enough to live in this world. Others like Europe or America think that if one is following someone he is wasting his time. One must be independent and try to create his own vision or thoughts about simple or complex questions of respectively enjoyment and religion. The fight between two does not seem to stop in the near future.



The Bigger The Better!

Some people are attracted towards small houses; however, they must know one thing that the area of your accommodation counts a lot in terms of ease and comfort that you will feel throughout the time you stay there. The simple rule in this context is that “The Bigger the better.” Some people might disagree but let me tell you one thing that it is not enough for you and you will one day come across this reality.


SSAZ Associates on Track!

After a lapse of some months SSAZ Associates are now on track and going to soon touch the sky; as the sky is the limit for it.